Directed by David Toop, this is a big band of laptop computers, analogue electronics and other sonic devices ranging from Gameboys to processed guitars, often collaborating with the London Sinfonietta. They are closely associated with CRISAP (Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice) research unit at London College of Communication, University of London.
Friday 4 May 2007, 18.30–19.00
Friday 4 May 2007, 19.30–20.00
Friday 4 May 2007, 20.30–21.00
Tate Britain Room 9
Free, no bookings taken
Limited numbers if galleries are crowded
Friday 4 May 2007, 18.30–19.00
Friday 4 May 2007, 19.30–20.00
Friday 4 May 2007, 20.30–21.00
Tate Britain Room 9
Free, no bookings taken
Limited numbers if galleries are crowded